A W Dansey

© Copyright 2000 - 2024. All rights reserved. A W Dansey Associates, Dunton, Beds, England    ESTABLISHED IN 1998

Lindsay Music Have been clients since 1999. At that time they had a shop in Shortmead Street Biggleswade and we built a simple web site as an online catalogue for their sheet music. They also had a page on our Local Biz Directory.

In 2007 we worked with them to develop a fully functional online shop. This takes and processes orders from all round the world.

Case Studies

We continue to act as Webmasters for Lindsay Music. That means that we do updates as required and deal with all technical matters such as site security and certification.

The client produces her own graphics and supplies product images and descriptions for the site.

The site build went very smoothly. We sourced and set up the e-commerce package.   Also scanned quite a few publications!

When they closed the shop, the web site took on increasing importance. It was redesigned in striking colours and a latest news section added. Here is the site. Is that the sort of thing that you need?

Carole and Douglas are now active members of the OWNBIZ business group. This gives us an invaluable opportunity to maintain face to face contact on a regular basis.

Case Studies