A W Dansey

© Copyright 2000 - 2024. All rights reserved. A W Dansey Associates, Dunton, Beds, England    ESTABLISHED IN 1998

Contact Us

Contact information for  AW Dansey Associates is :


PHONE 01767 310163  


POST  A W Dansey Associates
10 Horseshoe Close


IN PERSON  Alan is a regular attendee at local business networking meetings. Why not get in touch and arrange to meet up at one?   

AW Dansey Associates are happy to answer your questions and talk about options. Remember you can always contact us for some free no obligation advice.

Are you self employed or in a small business? Would you like to be part of our business support network? Then OWNBIZ is for you. A low cost way for people to stay in contact and support each other.

Our Facebook Page

contains information and discussions which we hope will interest you. Please Join in with your comments, suggestions and questions .

We are  also very active on Twitter, LinkedIn etc.