A W Dansey

© Copyright 2000 - 2024. All rights reserved. A W Dansey Associates, Dunton, Beds, England    ESTABLISHED IN 1998

To be part of the Internet you need some space on a computer (server) which is accessible to other users. This is normally provided by a hosting company. The space is used to hold the “live” copy of a web site. Also mailboxes for storing email and the associated services to send and receive it.

The scope of web hosting services varies greatly. What is adequate for a simple brochure page is not able to support interactive sites with a high volume of activity.There is a bewildering choice of  Hosting providers offering very different facilities, service levels and support.

AW Dansey Associates Have a dedicated server  with a UK Based Company - the same one that we have used since we started in 1998. We keep up to date for security and reliability. Our current new state of the art server is going live in July 2024.

If we arrange your hosting for you,  then as your agent,  we provide any help or support that you require, so you do not need to concern yourself with technical aspects. It is fully resilient, monitored and supported 24 x 7  and regularly backed up.

If you would like us to take care of everything for you - acting as your Webmasters, we can only offer that to people that host with us. This is simply because the overhead of having to deal with a different company on your behalf would make it too expensive. We can also just provide hosting if you want to run your own site and mailboxes.  


Often we move new clients’ sites to our hosting. So that we we can cost effectively manage everything for them and offer a very responsive service in conjunction with UK based support engineers.