A W Dansey

© Copyright 2000 - 2024. All rights reserved. A W Dansey Associates, Dunton, Beds, England    ESTABLISHED IN 1998

Web sites and email boxes are accessed using a unique name. These are of the form something.co.uk or something.com for instance . These names are sold on a “first come first served” basis by registration authorities - different ones for different groups of names.

There are several things to consider when choosing a name. Call us before you do and we will help you to check what is available and decide which to go for.

Once you successfully obtain a name it is yours for as long as you pay for the renewal. It is then held by the service provider of your choice,  who can point it at services such as web space and email boxes for you.

There are many places where you can register a domain name but they are not all the same.  Some are much easier to deal with. Some register in their name so that you do not actually own it - they do! Some make it expensive or difficult to move providers. It makes sense to register with the company that you will host with rather than deal with it separately.

AW Dansey Associates are domain name registration agents. If you need a domain name registered or renewed our service is excellent.. Try us!

Domain Names

We continue to register new domains and transfer in existing ones for clients.

Our clients do not have to worry about dealing with multiple companies, logging on to control panels, remembering renewals etc. We do it all for them.